Assalamualaikum is the best way to greet my readers. Hello people. A girl that you cannot control. She is sweet 16 on September 29th. She's a very hard-headed girl. She's a chocoholic. Well, I wish this 2011 gonna be the awesome year for me. Amin. I am who I am. I'm a talkative. I do talk alot. Seriously, alot ! Hate me of you want me to hate. Love me if you want me to love you. Treat me well cause I'm gonna treat you like triple well. This is my blog. I write what I feel. I can crap anything that I want. You don't like it? It's non if my business. To haters, thank you :') You guys make me strong :') SAYONARA ! ♥.

Love doesn't make the world go round.

Hello sweet sexy handsome readers,

Sekarang musim PMR. Ngeh, teringat time aku ambik PMR last year. Gemuruh dia tak terkata weh. First day aku dah menggelabah sbb tak bawak IC -.- Hihi. Okay, aku bukan nk cerita psl tu. Err, actually tadi aku nk cerita something tau. Tapi, bila dh on blog aku dah lupa. Pfftt -.- Blahh, harini duduk kt rumah mcm penganggur yang sangat bertauliah. Bangun tengok tv, mandi, tgk tv, lepak dgn Sofiya. Then gelak mcm hantu raya sesat kat bandar -.- Menyanyi, dari Sweet Dreams, Single Ladies. Sofiya potong lagu gelek gelek -.- Then sambung Perfect Two & ended up dgn lagu Negaraku -.- Haha. Betapa semangat dan cintanya kami kepada negara Malaysia. Haha :D

Err. Aku rasa tu je kot yang aku boleh cakap skrg. Hihi. Bye readers :')


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